Friday, September 5, 2008

My herb garden

Over the last few weeks I started to complete my little herb garden and I think I am almost done. I have now Lemon Verbena (still very grateful to Kate for that), Lemon Balm, Moroccan Mint, Curley Parsley, Oregano, Purple Sage, Thyme and Basil….so I should be prepared for almost any cooking fest….;-) Not sure if I can grow Tarragon outside….(by the way, made some lovely tarragon vinegar the other day)….


Will said...

Looks good Elke!

Let me know how the basil works out as I've had nothing but complete failure with my attempts to grow it outdoors. my Tarragon on the other hand works quite well!

I currently have Basil, Flat Leaf Parsley, Coriander, Sage, Bay, Fennel, curled parsley, Thyme, Rosemary, mint growing. I really enjoy being able to go to the garden and pick herbs instead of trundling down to tesco to pick up their overpriced bunches

Elke said...

Hi Will,

I am very unlucky with Basil inside but so far it is doing fine outside. As I have all herbs in individual pots, I will put them in the green house when it gets colder. Will try taragon...didn't think it would work here..will let you know how this goes....and I agree there is nothing better than picking herbs fresh from your own supply ;-)
