Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Final - GBM

Yes....I finally did it. I cooked the winning menu from last year's Great British Menu. Caz, Jan, Malene and Ben were the poor victims of my cooking skills. I actually started the preparations on Friday afternoon and finished on Saturday at 7pm - apart from the final touches.

I had to work towards a timetable to which I tried to stick and it worked. Even so it was a big task, it was stress free. But I was so busy that I completely forgot to take photos. So if you want to see what it looked like and what it is all about have a look here.

Of course, I wanted the perfect wine for the dinner (and how lucky was I that Bubble Brothers had their Spring Sale on). Austin recommended a wonderful wine called Fish for the 2 starters (tomato jelly and salmon) which was fresh and a bit acidy. It was strong enough to compete with the fragrant jelly but gentle enough for the salmon.

The red for the beef was a Tamaral Crianza 2001 which was smooth on the palate but had a great punch to it. We kinda forgot to open the dessert wine....but I think we all were happy out anyway.

I am actually quite proud of my achievment and can't wait for the next season of the Great British Menu which is due soon on BBC. Watch this space

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